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Pandemic First Aid Course

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The First Aid During A Pandemic Course is designed to equip everyday people, especially for first responders at the workplace with essential skills of First Aid and emergency response during a Pandemic. Despite having a pandemic injuries and illness still occurs and first aid is required. The course will provide learners a good coverage of cross infection prevention and management whenever first aid is carried out, particularly to an unknown victim.

The course will provide learners a good coverage of cross infection prevention and management whenever first aid is carried out, particularly to an unknown victim. Video demonstrations to all first aid procedures with cross-contamination precautions are included and displayed clearly to instil clarity and confidence when dealing with first aid situations during a pandemic. A must take for all first aiders and front-liners.

Course Contents

  • First Aid during a Pandemic – Understanding the need for first aid intervention during a pandemic, what is COVID 19 and how the virus is spread? Who may be suspected of having COVID 19? Safe working system, Hygiene measures.
  • What to do if you are required to come into close contact with someone as part of your first responder duties – Personal Protective equipment (PPE), Guide to donning and taking off personal protective equipment, Provide assistance to aid unwell individuals, cleaning the area where assistance was provided, blood or body-fluid spillage, Procedure for cleaning up blood fluids on hard surfaces
  • Unconscious Casualty (Non – Cardiac Arrest) – Fits, Fainting,
  • Respiratory Problems – Adult Foreign body Airway Obstruction (Conscious & Unconscious), Asthma.
  • Shock, Bleeding and Wounds – Shock, Bleeding, Wounds, Bandaging.
  • Musculoskeletal injuries – Fracture and Dislocation, Soft tissue injuries, Immobilization & Bandaging.
  • Burn injuries – Burns Depth and Severity of Burns, Classification and treatment of burns, scalding.
  • CPR + AED
  • Procedures after providing First Aid – Contacts of the person you have assisted, what to do if you become ill?

Who Should Attend?
Care givers, home owners, staff working in office environments and members of the public, first responders with a duty to care, workplace first aiders, sports coaches.

Course Duration
9 Hours eLearning
(Excluding Lunch Break & Assessment)