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Medical Care On Board Ship Refresher

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Course Description
The Medical Care On Board Ship Refresher is for the candidate who already possesses a valid Medical Care On Board Ship Certification (as listed in column 1 of table A-VI/4-2) which is nearing expiry and wishes to renew this certification. In order to register for this course, trainees must have completed Medical First Aid on Board Ship course with Section A-VI/4-1 of the STCW Code.

Course content
* First Aid review
* Care of casualties
* Aspects of Nursing
* Treatment of diseases
* Alcohol and drug abuse
* Dental care Gynaecology and pregnancy
* Medical care of rescued persons, including trauma, hypothermia and cold exposure
* Death at sea
* Environmental control on board ship
* Disease prevention
* Medicines and medical equipment
* Surgical equipment instruments and supplies
* External assistance
* Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
* Automated External Defibrillation

Who Should Attend

The course is ideal for every certificated officer and other ratings (including those in port limit vessels such as helmsman).

Course Duration

3 days

Day 1: 9pm to 6pm
Day 2: 9pm to 6pm
Day 3: 9pm to 6pm
(excludes time for remediation and reassessments)